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Financial Data Processor

Skopje, Karposh (Hybrid work)

Support & Solutions Center MK

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Finance Functional Analyst

Skopje, Karposh

Support & Solutions Center MK

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Support Engineer

Skopje (Hybrid Work)

Support & Solutions Center MK

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Data Analyst

Skopje, Karposh (hybrid work)

Support & Solutions Center MK

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NAV/BC Developer

Skopje, Karposh (hybrid work)

Support & Solutions Center MK

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Junior Accountant

Karposh Skopje (on site)

Support & Solutions Center MK

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Infrastructure Incident and Problem Manager

Skopje, Karposh (hybrid work)

Support & Solutions Center MK

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Customer Service Representative

Karposh or Aerodrom, Skopje

Support & Solutions Center MK

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Logistic Coordinator

Karposh or Aerodrom, Skopje

Support & Solutions Center MK

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DevOps Support Engineer

Karposh Skopje (Hybrid work);

Support & Solutions Center MK

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Support & Solutions Center (SSC) is an international company which provides solutions for in-house developed software as well as dealing with software-transfers to new technologies. Since 2016 we have managed to achieve a global presence with our services in more than 40 countries worldwide.

Our team of 300+ well trained professionals provides solutions and services for several international countries and locations.

Urgency Context Leadership Communication Collaboration Common Sense

The SSC Persona

SSC Success Factors


Recognition for all (individuals, management, team, company)

The workplace should be an environment where positive reinforcement is promoted, and constructive feedback is embraced.

Appreciation is the fundamental human need. Showing appreciation can be expressed through recognition. A job well done when praised creates a feeling of value. When employees and their work is valued, their satisfaction and productivity rise. They are motivated to maintain or improve their good work.

Praise and recognition are essential to an outstanding workplace. People want to be respected and valued by others for their contribution. Everyone feels the need to be recognized as an individual or member of a group and to feel a sense of achievement for work well done or even for a valiant effort.

Having this company culture that promotes even simple ways of appreciation can have a big impact on the moral and productivity within the organization.

Empathy, attention, recognition and embracing someone else’s success.

Take pride of someone else’s success by celebrating it. Whatever someone achieves a goal, show your appreciation in a good manner. Embrace it and recognize their success.

Congratulate people on their hard work, applaud their success. This will make you feel better about yourself and by doing it will raise your inner success even more.

People like people that make them feel good. This is how networks are grown. Expend yours by spending time each day feeling good for other people and sharing your positive energy for their good work.


Leader is the motivator of the group, not the one with the most knowledge.

Some individuals may be highly skilled, valuable for the organization and can even the best in what they do, but that does not make them natural leaders

Leaders have additional attributes and characteristics that make them proper for the role. They possess certain qualities that inspire and motivate team members for a specific goal to be achieved.

Mutual support between the leader and the team members

Support between the leader and team members must be mutual. No matter what kind of situation happens, you have to offer support for each other, and work together as a team to find a solution for an issue that has occurred.

This helps in building positive and more productive atmosphere that provides more successful dedication in achieving the goals you both work for.

This mutual support is a fundamental phase of everyone individual growth, which helps in improving team performance and contributes into the progress of the whole company.


Prime stimulant

Sense of urgency, natural internal desire to create or do something fast and efficient. If something needs to be done, creating a sense of urgency is the best way to do it. If you feel like you have all day to do something, it will take you all day to do it.

“Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.” - Parkinson’s Law

Creating your own state of urgency can help you in increasing efficiency and productivity of your workplace. Urgency is your own self-motivation towards making things happen. Things do not happen by sitting back. Things do not happen by watching and waiting for others.

A sense of urgency helps turn “someday” or “later” into “now”. This will make you more engaged in a positive manner instead of stuck in a boring, repetitive daily routine.

Secondary stimulant
  • Deadline
  • Incident
  • Common enemy
  • A new opportunity
It is not about whether you have it or not. Depending on which of the above is the reason for your urgency, you are obligated to have it and to push yourself more. In this way you will be determined and focused in providing more high-quality services and results.


Prime stimulant

Everything you do, and build has an impact on the company’s overall performance. If you do not understand the context of what you do, and why you do it, it can make your work look meaningless.

Personal context of the relation of the employee and his path in the big picture.

Understanding context is essential in the process of building a new perspective towards your work. It makes the employee see that he/she is a part of something bigger.

Awareness of how your work fits into the overall structure of the company. You should understand why your job adds value and why particular tasks are required.

Often an employee does not evolve in the original way that he pictured in his head. But this is ok if he/she understands that with different type of growth and evolutionary path that he/she has taken he/she contributes much more to the company than if he/she remained on his originally pre-set path.


It is important to have an open communication.

Why? Because it leads to more effective communication, which results in a clear and smoother workflow.

Creating a culture of open communication where everyone is encouraged to share their ideas and concerns, gives a sense of value. This feeling helps in the process of creating a positive and engaged working environment. It inspires the people around you, making them more devoted and dedicated on the success of the team and the company.

It is nothing personal.

Often this presents a big problem. In the structure of every organization, it is common that something happens that is in favor of some and not for others.

Knowing the line between what needs to be done and what you think that needs to be done is crucial. If there is decision that includes you and the work you do, you must accept it and take it professionally. No matter if you “won” or “lost”.


We are different teams, yet we work towards achieving the same goals.

Even though we are teams with different specializations, we are all part of the same organization. All of us represent our organization. This forms the image of the company. That is the reason why we have to join our forces and act together so we can achieve goals that are of interest for us all.

It is nothing personal.

Trust is the solid foundation of every company. Without it, the bond that connects and forms the infrastructure of one organization is fragile and unstable. If there is no trust, there will be no communication. Without communication, there is no collaboration. Without these essential parts, a nonfunctional and low productive environment will be created.

People who trust and respect each other, work together as a team, share a common commitment, and learn one from another. Trust provides a safe place for people to share their ideas, to communicate, collaborate and reach their potential both individually and as a team.

Trust in your colleagues in and out of the team, as you expect them to believe and trust you.

Development of potentials

There will always be people with lots of potential. This potential needs to be groomed and nurtured. By doing so people will step up to take their future roles in the present. They will take additional tasks that they will show that they can complete them. In some cases, they will even do more. These situations should be respected, and people should be placed on higher positions since they earned it.

After this person has evolved and proved that he/she can do new things in a new way, then and only then we should create procedures. Development of potential always comes first.

Common sense

Based on age, experience, maturity

Common sense is about practical intelligence. It is about your ability to see beyond structure, procedures and apply practical action to the situation.

Everybody needs to develop common sense and feel responsibility for the work he/she is doing.

Effective and Efficient

When it comes to working, you can work to get by, or you can work to make a difference. Be an asset and make yourself as valuable as possible. All these things involve effort. You must find the inner desire to give your all. You must make an effort to work more effectively and be more efficient. This will enable you to become the best version of yourself. In this way you contribute more to the team and to the overall organization.

Awareness of Consequences (roughly 80% of the effects, come from 20% of the causes)

Everything we think, say, and do has consequences for us as well as for others. Our actions spread out and affect many because we are all connected. It is important to know that our actions are irreversible. Developing a certain awareness of what your action will create and how it will affect you and those around you is crucial.

When we act, there are consequences. While we often focus on ourselves, the effect on others can be significant. Consider consequences for other people, even those who you do not know.

It is true that we cannot always foresee all the consequences of our actions. We will never be completely sure that we are doing the right thing. This is normal. However, we can always at least try to choose actions that will have beneficial consequences for all.

Sometimes even when being certain of a specific decision and the good it will bring; we must accept that some decisions will be stopped even before they are made by higher management.

Take into consideration what may be produced from your action. Think before doing something. In this way you may save yourself from future complications and problems that may appear because of the action you made.

The Community gets stronger

Finding a time to hang out, share and learn each other’s true selves makes us stronger as a team. Take a sneak peek at our after hours. At the end of the day, we can boogie while creating future, right?
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Always on our minds and in our hearts – the community that we are part of and to which we contribute in every possible way.

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